

My work has gone through major changes ever since I moved to Canada. Growing up in the tropic South of Taiwan where painting plein air and painting from life was part of the norm for me. Now that the new life in Canada has confined me indoor many months of the year,  plein air painting has become precious occasions. I have adapted my new environments and channeled these physical confines into pushing technical boundaries of watercolour and exploring variety of subjects and composition designs.  I've embraced the advantages of what were lacking in plein air painting and take the time to capture the luminiscent quality of lights that fascinated me.  The minute details and photo realisms are never my intentions. My main goal in painting is to express whatever grabs me and touches me from the first impression.  The unspoiled beauty of the coastlines and rural life of Nova Scotia are what inspired me on a daily basis. My paintings are the reflections of what surrounded me.